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Basic usage

Create a new request

Requests can be created using Sendex via the new command. This command will create a file at the specified file path using a standard template which you can use as a starting point.

Terminal window
sendex new requests/get-todo.yml

This command will create a file at requests/get-todo.yml using the default GET template.

Editing your request

Opening the file will give us this:

- id: 1 # specify 1 as default
method: GET
endpoint: http://localhost:8000/blog/{id} # we can use 'id' here
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
- Content-Type

Click here for full explanation of all parameters that can be used.

  • The args parameter allows us to pass in command line arguments. Formatted like id=2
  • method can be any HTTP method
  • endpoint is the API URL
  • headers must be used in list format
  • allow-headers keeps the output clean, but only showing the headers listed

If you’re just trying out Sendex, feel free to use a test API, such as JSON Placeholder. Replace the default endpoint with{id}.

Running a request

Once your request file has been updated for your API, it can then be ran using:

Terminal window
sendex run request/get-todo.yml id=123

This should give the following response:

Terminal window
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"userId": 7,
"id": 123,
"title": "esse et quis iste est earum aut impedit",
"completed": false