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End-to-end testing

Testing your API

Although Sendex doesn’t have any built in testing features, the CLI based design means you can easily write shell scripts to perform basic tests for you. These shells scripts can then be added to your CI/CD pipelines to automate all you E2E tests. An example shell script could do a simple comparison of your endpoint response, with the contents of a file. The --raw flag is used here to prevent the color highlighting changing the output.

output=$(sendex run tests/get-todo.yml --raw)
desired_output=$(cat tests/get-todo.output)
if [ "$output" = "$desired_output" ]; then
echo "PASS: get-todo matches expected output"
echo "FAIL: get-todo does not match output"
exit 1

Adding exit 1 will make sure the CI/CD pipeline fails on any tests failing.

You could get pretty creative with these tests and there really aren’t many limitations.